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Latest News Your Guide to Repairing Hydraulic Pumps and Motors

Your Guide to Repairing Hydraulic Pumps and Motors

hydraulic pumps - dynamic pumps

Your Guide to Repairing Hydraulic Pumps and Motors

Repairing and refurbishing hydraulic pumps and motors working with Dynamic Pumps will save your company from investing in new equipment.
Using years of experience plus extensive stocks and our comprehensive machine shop we offer customers a 24-hour turn around on most pumps and motors.
In our latest blog, we are going to share more information about our repair process.

Precise and Quality Hydraulic Pump and Motor Repairs

The constantly evolving world of hydraulics has led to more motors and pumps being refurbished and reused.
Vickers Hydraulics was one of the first companies to provide an engineering-oriented procedure manual ensuring pumps and motors work as good as new once repaired.
This practice is now commonplace amongst hydraulics manufacturers worldwide meaning companies such as Dynamic Pumps can provide repairs on pretty much any model.
The repairing function isn’t just about cleaning, flushing, regrinding and re-machining the parts and re-assembling – there’s much more to it!

Three Categories of Hydraulics

Hydraulic products are divided into three categories. Below we will look at how durable they are and if they can be refurbished easily –

Dynamic – Dynamic products such as hydraulic pumps are called this due to their continuous function, running at all times – not necessarily in load condition but idle speed.
The duty cycle, design and application will determine the life span of the pump – whether it’s a piston, vane or gear.
Intermittent Dynamic – This sort of hydraulic unit aren’t required to run all the time in a system such as hydraulic motors, directional valves and servo proportional valves.
Given these function don’t run all the time this means they will have comparatively lower wear and tear compared to hydraulic pumps.
Static Hydraulic – These are products whose internal functions in a system are ‘open-close’ type; meaning the internal components have much less wear and tear and in turn a longer life expectancy.

In the hydraulics industry, a wide variety of products (such as pumps, motors and valves) can be repaired as long as the component dimensions, tolerances and clearances are within the prescribed limit.

Hydraulic Pump and Motor Repairs from Dynamic Pumps

Here at Dynamic Pumps, there are no hidden charges for the repair of hydraulic pumps and motors; meaning the price we quote you is the price you pay.
Our test facilities operate two hydrostatically driven test rigs with capable of pressure and flow testing up to 240 horsepower.
If you’re unsure if your product needs repairing, please get in touch and a member of our team will be able to offer the best course of action.

Units 9-10
PSI House
Loomer Road
Newcastle under Lyme
01782 566 116